Helping help others
Read about some of the areas in the community in which NZ Christian Foundation focus their funding.
The New Zealand Christian Foundation can not continue its work without your support. We value your contributions.
We love to help people who are looking for Bible Study groups, Churches, Support or are looking for Bible Answers.
The Mission of the New Zealand Christian Foundation is to introduce everyone searching to find Jesus Christ. We are not a Church. We are a private, Government Registered Charity, whose accounts are prepared anually by a chartered accountant and filed with the NZ Charities Services, Internal Affairs Depatment of New Zealand. We seek to spread the love of Jesus to the world through innovative, health, humanitarian, educational and pastoral projects. Some projects are New Zealand Christian Foundation owned, other projects are managed by separate organisations, churches and individuals who share the same goal of sharing Jesus to a world in need of God's love and leadership.